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Книга World of Warcraft: War Crimes (М'який палітурка) (Eng)


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Книга World of Warcraft: War Crimes (М'який палітурка) (Eng) ID#1883
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Оригінальна назва: Warcraft: War Crimes

Автор: Christie Goldent

Жанр: Дозвілля та Хобі (Fiction / Fantasy / Epic)
Палітурка: м'яка

Мова англійська

Рік виходу до: 2015

Кількість сторінок: 400

Розмір: 10,5 * 17 см


Alliance and Horde forces have stripped Garrosh Hellscream, one of the most reviled figures on Azeroth, of his title as warchief. His thirst for conquest devastated cities, nearly tore the Horde apart, and destroyed countless lives throughout the ...WORLD OF WARCRAFT

Now, on the legendary continent of Pandaria, he will stand trial for his transgressions.

Renowned leaders from across the world have gathered to witness this historic event. As the trial unfolds, agents of the bronze dragonflight present shocking visions of Garrosh's atrocities. For many of those in attendance, these glimpses into history force them to relive painful memories and even question their own innocence or guilt. For others, the chilling details stoke the flames of their hatred.

Unbeknownst to anyone, shadowy forces are at work on Azeroth, threatening not only the court's ability to mete out justice ... but also the lives of everyone at the trial.

Written by:Christie Golden