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Килимок Overwatch Razer Goliathus Speed Mat


Категорії: Різне

Теги: Коврик Razer Overwatch Goliathus Speed Mat

Килимок Overwatch Razer Goliathus Speed Mat ID#2423
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Виробник: Razer

Бренд: Overwatch

Розмір: 92 х 29 см

Матеріал: тканина на гумовій основі

Engineered to exceed the exacting demands of the world's top professional gamers, the Razer Goliathus Speed Edition is now better and stronger with an anti-fraying stitched frame for extended durability. Retaining its slick speed-enhancing surface that blends high acceleration with razor-sharp responsiveness and unyielding control, the competition-grade Razer Goliathus Speed Edition perfectly balances glide and resistance suitable for all playstyles and mouse sensitivity setups.


  • Slick, taut weave for speedy mouse movements
  • Pixel-precise targeting and tracking
  • Optimized for all mouse sensitivities and sensors
  • Highly portable cloth-based design
  • Anti-fraying stitched frame
  • Anti-slip rubber base

Approximate dimensions:

  • Thickness of all Goliathus Mats is 3mm / 0.12 "
  • Width x Length: 294mm x 920mm / 11.57 "x 36.22"
Матеріал: ткань, резина
Розмір: 92 см